On this Thanksgiving Day…

Memories from hillaryvillagers:

From Taylor:
I do not remember the traditions of my childhood Thanksgivings as vividly as I do Christmas and Easter.  I do remember we always had turkey and bread dressing but the location shifted houses every year to aunts & uncles, grandparents, etc.
Soon after we were married I began to host Thanksgiving dinner and we usually had 8-16 people. This tradition lasted almost 30 years. I would make a turkey wrapped in bacon that was stuffed with wild rice dressing.   Sides would include mashed potatoes & gravy, scalloped corn and cranberry salad.  My husband would make the pumpkin and pecan pies.  At our table would be neighbors, relatives, and students visiting from other countries or without parents.  I love the Thanksgiving meal, the smell in the house, and of course the leftovers.
I have a collection of glass pumpkins of all shapes, sizes, and colors.  They come out for Halloween and Thanksgiving and are put away as we decorate for Christmas.
I wish each and every villager a happy and satisfying Thanksgiving–whether celebrating alone, with a few, or a large gathering.  It is always fruitful to pause and recognize all that we have and give thanks.
From Karel:
I’m one of the fortunate, my immediate family lives within minutes of my home.  For the past 15 years or so we all meet at my sister’s home, her home is big enough to accommodate the crowd.  She cooks the turkey, or I should say her husband does, she’s actually not much of a cook…I could tell you stories from our childhood.  Everyone is assigned to bring something, it’s potluck…but every year it’s usually turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, green beans, green jello salad, tossed salad, a few surprise dishes and various pies, including pumpkin pie for dessert!  We spend the afternoon together, visiting, eating and cleaning up(some of the best laughs and conversations are in the kitchen with the ladies and their dishpan hands)…always remembering to count our blessings. 
We are extraordinarily blessed…the matriarch of our family, my mom, is 88 years old and still going strong…that’s something all five of her kids are really thankful for.
From Normita:
We will celebrate this Thanksgiving with a big hole in our hearts – my brother passed away this summer, and my other brother is on his way from the Philippines tonight for treatment. These are indeed sad days. But sadness will never replace our everyday joy of sharing the blessings that life gives.
The friendship that this village represents is like no other. This is not an ordinary place, this is a destination for everyone who may not agree with everything; a special place for ideas and opinions of everyday people from different walks of life. This is a place where friendship is celebrated every single day with every comment, with every post that are expressed with respect and gratitude.
Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours.
“Nat King Cole A House With Love In It”

56 thoughts on “On this Thanksgiving Day…

  1. Hello All,

    And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone as Normita says “Here and everywhere”.

    I love you all very much have a great day and good food!

    Teri and The Village Kids

  2. Villagers – what a day to give thanks, is it not? To all villagers old and new, take the time to give thanks for our lives, our family and our country. We all have a home where we feel safe to live, enough food to eat, and free enough to speak our minds. What better life could we want?

    We have no real traditions in my family. Unfortunately for our family there were years when I was a child that there was not enough money to celebrate anything. But I always had love and understanding. Those were my blessings.

  3. Good Morning, Villagers…the sun shines brightly over this day of thanks, crisp and cool and beautiful blue, highs in the low 50’s!

    Remembering the many, many blessings in my life…I also thank the Villagers for the varied ways they enrich my life!

    I hope yours is a Happy Thanksgiving…good food, good fun and the family and friends to share it with…enjoy the day…we are blessed!!!

  4. Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving to my friends here at the Village.
    Six Toes and Buddy wanted me to tell you all to have good eats, good friends, lots of laughs and save them some turkey!

    Have a blessed day!

    • Go, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your charges. Don’t feed them with turkey, I read a column this morning about what NOT to feed our pets – no turkey.

    • I’m glad to hear Six Toes and Buddy are thriving. We pick Lucky up at “Happy Tracks” tomorrow, the kennel we use. The owner told us that Lucky would have a girfriend during his stay. “Harriet” is a lemon beagle similar in size to Lucky and he seems to gravitate to other beagles and basset hounds.

      Thanks for stopping by Go.

  5. We’re cooking our Thanksgiving dinner, the house is filled with good feelings of sharing in this table of gratitude for life’s blessings.
    Happy Thanksgiving,
    Bob and Lanz

  6. Dear Normita, Teri, KEY, Mary, Karel, Go, Bob and Lanz, Taylor, Tanya, Annette, and everybody else… Happy Thanksgiving.

    Robin also wanted me to say hello and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

      • Hello, Robin here.
        Thanks for all your wishes. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving also. My mom fell and hurt her knee/ankle so I cooked dinner here, served MJ and myself and took all the leftovers to my parents. Even made the pies with my assistant, MJ. All is good and peaceful, but I sure am tired. Yard work today and most likely the last until nest year. It has been a busy 4 days and I could use another day off, but no rest for me this time.

      • Hi Taylor, Robin here.
        Zoe has all A’s and B’s this semester and believe it or not she got an A+ in math. I’ve been working with her on the homework and there are times when I think I am really getting through to her. Then there are other times when I can’t penetrate that stubborness she has once in a while. Obviously something is working though. Not ready for winter but some snow is expected this week. Maybe an inch I think. Take Care.

  7. Dear Village Family,
    Happy and blessed Thanksgiving to all. Jackie and I are well but very busy with school, swimming and basketball. In September Jackie had a sinus infection which turned into an ear infection and then a ruptured eardrum. It was pretty scary –I’d never seen blood coming out of an ear before! Thank God everything healed well. Our ENT said Jackie still has bionic hearing! Although she continues to experience a selective hearing loss whenever I ask her to put her dirty clothes into the hamper.
    Our Pennsylvania elections were pretty awful. Paul Kanjorski lost to a very mediocre candidate, Lou Barletta, republican Mayor of a small town called Hazelton. All Barletta ever talked about was illegal immigrants. Hazelton has a large Hispanic population. IMO- he won not because people thought he was the better candidate, but rather their votes were anti-Obama protests. NE Pennsylvania will pay dearly for Kanjorski’s loss. Barletta is not very bright and an awful speaker as well. What a domino effect O-bla-bla’s presidency has caused.
    Well, dear friends, we’re off to my brother’s for dinner.
    Love to all,
    Ann and Jackie

    • Ann, Happy Thanksgiving to you and our villager Jackie. Sorry to hear about Jackie’s health problems but glad she’s doing well.

      Our election results here in California are again dominated by incumbent Democrats. It’s hard to understand why people will continue to vote for the same people in spite of our economic woes. Hopeless.

  8. Good to see so many Villagers are stopping by…I always enjoy hearing from everybody…I hope your Thanksgiving is going well! I’m going to be away from my computer for the next couple days…enjoy your holiday!!

  9. Hello villagers. Had a wonderful day today. My mother- in- law was queen for a day. We celebrated her 85th birthday and Thanksgiving. We had five generations at our table, to include a brand new 6 weeks old baby boy. Lots of laughter, lots of picture sharing. Pictures of two weddings, one new house, and a new college graduate. Food was bought from Mimi’ s. Two turkeys with all the trimmings, really good with not a lot of the work, with plenty of time to talk and talk.
    We gave thanks at our table with a prayer of heartfelt gratitude, all of us standing holding hands . My mother in law is a bit weaker than the last time we saw her, and some more of us are getting gray hair. But the new baby was a promise of the future. Good night everyone, sleep well.

    • Sounds like a wonderful time Mary. What is Mimi’s–a grocery store or restaurant?

      We had a delightful dinner at the Inn. Last night when we went to the restaurant the family ordered a German veal dish, venison, elk, boar goulash, pheasant and crab cakes. We were preparing for turkey today.

      All villagers appeared to have a great Thanksgiving. We live with food, shelter, friends, and without fear. So much to be thankful for. I was also thankful for a day without news.

      We plan to visit the Antietam Battlefield tomorrow on the way home. The Civil War appear to be our theme this month.

      • Taylor, sounds like delicious meals you had at the Inn.
        Mary, we have a Mimi’s Restaurant in a nearby city – great breakfast and I love their homemade muffins.

  10. My brother and his wife arrived safely last night and they are now on the way to Los Angeles for my bro’s doc’s appt first thing in the morning. The granddaughter who picked them up were such in a rush to leave to beat the traffic and possible weather conditions at the grapevine area. Hoping for the best.

  11. Day after Thanksgiving is a good day to clean up to prepare for the more heavy holiday decorating that Bob and I do every year. We expect to go in full gear earlier because of the carolers who will come to the house on Dec. 10 – we plan to get most of the decorations up in time.

  12. We’re home safe and sound after a great weekend. My husband couldn’t wait and has alreade bought four pointsettias which he has displayed in the house. We may get our first freeze tonight–we still have so many flowers still in bloom. Oh well. We did put the fern in the garage. Last year it lived the winter in the garage and then flourished outdoors for the last six months.

    We took the tour through the Antietam Battlefield today because the visitor center was not open yesterday. I find everything about the Civil War to be sad. But I now understand why some study the battle strategies. There were so many mistakes and triumphs on each side.

    • Taylor, there are many pointsettias in the stores now and they are so pretty. If they don’t last til Christmas, there’s plenty more to buy and replace the old.

  13. We are home safely as well. Going through airport security was not so bad. LAX Southwest Airlunes dies not have any of the new scanners, so we just did the normal, took our shoes off, put stuff through the metal detector scanners from before. Tulsa airport has the millimeter wave (not Xray scanners) which are less intense in the amount of radiation they emit to take your body scans. We went through those. You walk into a big tube where you stand in a designated space, and hold up your hands. You go through quickly to a waiting area while they clear you, seconds only. Then you are free to go. So, they took a naked picture of me! L OL! I can only hope they deleted it.

    • Welcome home, Mary! Those machines will not scare me, except if I choose to be pat, I have to wear pants instead of my long skirts that I normally wear when I travel.

  14. You probably heard that another WikiLeaks will be dumped, this time it’s more provoking to the leaders. The State Dept. is bracing itself, Sec. Clinton has called her foreign counterparts and the people on Capitol Hill have also been forewarned.

    Wikileaks document dump has United States working damage control to stem potential embarrassment

    The U.S. is already in damage-control mode ahead of the latest classified documents expected to be released by whistle-blowing website Wikileaks.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke with the leaders of several countries, warning her counterparts of what the documents may contain, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said.

    There is speculation that the documents will reveal sensitive and embarrassing details of American diplomacy with foreign countries, The Associated Press reports.

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/11/27/2010-11-27_wikileaks_document_dump_has_united_states_working_damage_control_to_stem_potenti.html#ixzz16X4soEdw

    The totus should stay home and do some work. He was not hired as a basketball player-in-chief. Take charge.

    • Did you see the picture of him in the window with ice pack over his mouth? He got hit in the face. He looked forlorn, nursing his wounds.

      • I got an email with a description but decided not to share – it’s too funny!!! My journalism professor might whip me.

  15. These leaks of sensitive and classified documents are of major concern to me. Why are we spending money on fancy security at airports if we can’t even keep these documents safe. It gives me no faith in the government’s ability to keep information private and protected. In today’s electronic environment, the identity information stored in the government’s computers could cause major chaos if they fell into the wrong hands. And this is before the government’s efforts to also centralize our health records.

    Kodak Gallery is having some good discounts and free shipping that ends on Sunday so I worked hard to get our family calendar completed. They also have some cute magnets that make nice stocking stuffers.

    • Taylor, in just two years, our lives have been turned upside down by the ‘well-meaning’ work of the former majority who didn’t even read the stuff they signed. I’m in dreamland.

    • The way security works in the US is that primarily the responsibility to protect sensitive information lies with the individual. And there is establishing of need- to- know before you share the information. A single individual at the right place can do a lot of damage. Perhaps In this case someone got sloppy in checking for classification and lowered the classification level because they were jaded and did not feel this information was so sensitive, because they handle it every day, not realizing that the outside world would not see it in the same light. The ones to blame are the individuals who gave it to wikileaks to do damage. These people are enemies of our country.

  16. Have you read about the virus that invaded the Iranian computer system inside their nuclear power secret site? They are equating it to a missile attack without the missiles. Totally destroyed their system, a very sophisticated attack targetting their nuclear generating process. I was reading it at the airport and now cannot find the news article. Wow! And my heartfelt appreciation to whomever planned and executed this cyber attack.

    • This cyber attack destroyed some of their equipment, enough to slow the Iranians from getting a nuclear attack capability. Someone essentially bombed them without the use of weapons.

      • Mary, I hope they don’t put the blame on the two guys from Berkeley they’ve been holding for over a year. Luckily the young woman had been released.

  17. Hello All,

    Good Sunday to all! I hope you all are well.
    Yep TY to whom every came up with that cyper attack on the Iranian nuclear!!

    My Dad is feeling some better so keep up the prayers!

    And i have a little story to to you all, my moms best friend was rushed to the hospital about 1 1/2 weeks ago and had to go on life support and about 2 days later the Dr.s called her family in and told them there was no hope they needed to take her off of the life support. And my mom begged her husband to wait and give her some time and my mom thought he had plugged the plug and that she was already dead and so my mom has been upset , then last night she recieved a call telling that her was still alive and sitting up in the chair asking for my mom oh wow was she so happy!!

    The kids are getting very very excited about Christmas so we are going to put up our tree! Wow it seems like it came so fast this year maybe its just me i dont know!

    But i love you all and good to hear from Ann and Jackie

    Teri and The Village Kids

  18. Greetings from Tanya!!

    She called this afternoon to say that she wishes everyone well and is having a great time in California. Tomorrow she is going to have a villager meetup in LA! She will be meeting Destiny, her husband and children! If you recall, Destiny and her husband work in the film industry and they will be doing some filming of Tanya and inserting her into some video of a Hillary rally! It will be as good as being there!

    Look forward to hearing the rest when Tanya returns the end of this week.

    Good night all.

  19. Robin and MJ, tell Zoe that the A+ in math shows us so many things. Hopefully all her challeges will be temporary with her hard work and your guidance. Zoe, great job!!! Luckly send his happy bark your way.

  20. Good Night all,
    Sweet Dreams and have a good sleep!!

    Robin it was good to hear from u also! I hope all is good!

    I love you all and please keep praying for my family!


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